Incubot Productions is the brainchild of ToyboxDX founder Alen Yen, and is his venue for his original toy designs. Incubot first released the PVC Nekobot USB Flash drive, with is an excellent little figure, and its USB-ness is a good excuse to leave it in your pocket or backpack. The Nekosaurus sofubi, however, is all toy, and an expression of Alen’s love and appreciation for classic Japanese toy funk. The actual figure is sculpted by Kiyoka Ikeda of Gargamel, and produced in the Gargamel factory in Japan, so it is a pure and perfect Japanese vinyl. This first release is the crystal Nekosaurus, complete with paper inserts featuring mechanical gut detail designed by Alen himself. The guts are just jammed pack with really well thought out detail, and crystal really is the right word to describe the vinyl… it’s perfectly clear and flawless. The vinyl and the guts are fantastic, but my favorite part of the toy is hands down the actual sculpt… it is a perfect melding of classic sensibilities and vinyl toy design, and just a phenomenal toy to play with. It’s bigger than a fight figure, but smaller than a standard sized kaiju, around 6″ tall, and fits in your hand perfectly.
Neko looks good and plays just as well, and there are just a few left after the December preorder, available at the Incubot site here: Nekosaurus triumphs over other vinyl toys, and is just plain fun. Pick up a Nekobot Flash drive while you’re there!